Thursday, July 30, 2020

Morning or evening exercise: Which is more effective?

Do you need to exercise in the morning or in the evening to achieve your fitness goals? You will find countless tips and recommendations that support one or the other, but in the end, it all comes down to what your fitness goal is and what your daily schedule is.

What is better for weight loss and what for muscle building?

Gravity Transformation - Fat Loss Experts give an expert answer.

Should you do morning or evening workouts for weight loss? This is the ultimate showdown pinning the morning vs the night exercise routine. Which is the best for fat loss and which is better for gaining strength and building muscle?

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

What happens in the body when you stop drinking coffee?

Many can not imagine life without a morning coffee. Experts recommend a maximum of 200 to 400 milligrams of coffee per day. But the recommended dose also depends on our age and lifestyle.

For those who are planning to stop drinking coffee, here are some interesting facts about what happens in the body when you stop drinking.

1. Healthier teeth

Consuming coffee can cause tooth decay. Not only will you lose your glowing smile due to coffee, but the acidity contained in caffeinated beverages can lead to tooth enamel decay and damage.

2. Hormonal benefits for women

Drinks such as coffee, tea and sodas can affect estrogen levels in women. According to a study published in Clinical Nutrition, consuming 200 milligrams of coffee a day increases estrogen levels in women. Changes in estrogen levels can be alarming for women struggling with endometriosis.

3. Headaches will be reduced

According to research, caffeine is actually a risk factor for chronic everyday headaches. Reduced caffeine consumption can reduce headaches.

4. You will look younger

Caffeine has been found to count on the production of collagen in human skin, which in turn could cause more wrinkles. Caffeine inhibits collagen biosynthesis and has an inhibitory effect on DNA biosynthesis, according to a study published in the American National Library of Medicine. Reduced caffeine intake can contribute to younger and more beautiful skin.

5. Better sleep

Drinking coffee can affect sleep, which means that you may have insomnia at night and sleep during the day.

6. Weight change

Once you stop drinking coffee you can gain or lose weight. A study conducted at Duke University found that daily consumption of caffeine from coffee, tea or other soft drinks increases daily blood sugar levels by almost 10 per cent, leading to a risk of cardiovascular disease and obesity.

Caffeine is considered to be one of the few natural things that help speed up metabolism and burn fat. According to a study in PubMed, caffeine speeds up metabolism by 3 to 4 per cent.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The most common "weight loss tricks" that make you fat

You can find weight loss tips and tricks everywhere. Relatives, friends, colleagues, bloggers and influencers have their tricks on how to lose weight or hear that someone has lost weight that way.

This is exactly where the wrong and even harmful weight loss tips come in that help you gain more weight. This usually happens because the information is not shared completely, but also because everybody is different. You need to find and choose the one that suits you best.

These are the most common "weight loss tricks" that make you fat.

So many popular diet tips out there. Learn which food myths you should not follow. You can avoid a lot of these diet mistakes made both for losing weight & building muscle. In this video, you'll find real diet tips to lose weight fast & the weight loss will be body fat. 

Maybe you want to read about Four delicious drinks that melt belly fat.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Four delicious drinks that melt belly fat

Fluid intake is necessary for the body, especially in summer. In addition to staying hydrated, these four drinks will get rid of belly fat and cleanse the body.


Water is the most important ally of a healthy lifestyle whether you are on a diet or not. Improves the digestive system and contributes to the detoxification of the body. You can add a few drops of lemon for an even better effect. The combination of lemon and hot water awakens the liver and stimulates the expulsion of toxins from the body.


Reduces appetite. Add a few mint leaves to a bottle of water and leave overnight. Peppermint calms the digestive tract and is recommended if you have stomach problems.


This exotic fruit will help you in the weight loss process. The enzymes contained in pineapple make it an ideal ally for a flat stomach. When you drink something natural and fresh, make pineapple juice.

Green tea

The antioxidants in green tea called catechins can help speed up your metabolism and burn calories. According to one study, respondents who consumed tea twice a day noticed that they reduced belly fat with an average loss of 1.9 centimetres in waist circumference. It is recommended to drink green tea before training.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

What happens to the body if we do not drink enough water?

Studies show that mild dehydration can have a detrimental effect on health, mood and energy levels. That is why it is important to drink enough water and recognize the first signs of dehydration.

Our body consists of 60% of the water we lose daily through urine, sweating and breathing. If you do not drink enough water, the brain will feel that the body is dehydrated.


If you do not drink enough water, the body is exposed to an accelerated aging process that leads to wrinkles.


Studies show that mild dehydration can lead to fatigue and drowsiness.

Kidney problems

Dehydration leads to an increase in acids and toxins in the body that increase the number of bacteria in the kidneys, which in turn promotes the formation of infections and inflammation.

Headache and slow metabolism

In addition to frequent headaches, if you do not drink enough water you will have a slow metabolism. Research shows that water helps the body burn calories and lose weight.

Decreased concentration

The body needs water to function normally. You should drink two glasses of water or more every hour if you are exercising.

Maybe you want to read about Fruits that will help you lose weight.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Fruits that will help you lose weight

In the summer season, there is a large selection of fruits and vegetables. Most of them contain a small number of calories, are rich in fibre and prevent weight gain.

According to the World Health Organization, eating at least 5 servings of different fruits and vegetables at 80 grams per day reduces the risk of serious health problems. Recent studies have shown that eating certain fruits can help with weight loss.

These four fruits are part of them:


Watermelon is 90 per cent water and is one of the best foods to eat if you are trying to lose weight. One hundred grams of watermelon contains only 30 calories. An excellent source of the amino acid arginine which helps in rapid fat burning. Watermelon is a great refreshment between meals.


An average banana contains 27 grams of carbohydrates, 105 calories and 3 grams of fibre. They are very healthy, keep blood pressure low and prevent the formation of acids. It is enough to eat one banana a day.


Melon does not contain a high part of calories or carbohydrates and is an excellent source of vitamin A. This vitamin helps maintain eye and skin health. It also boosts metabolism and improves the immune system.


Studies show that peaches contain ingredients that help prevent obesity, high cholesterol and diabetes.

Maybe you want to read about How To Eat To Lose Fat Forever?

Thursday, July 23, 2020

How To Eat To Lose Fat Forever?

Most diets, diets, and exercise routines and habits that promise to get rid of fat are not long-term sustainable solutions.

Once you have achieved the desired goal, how to prevent the re-accumulation of fat deposits? How to avoid the yo-yo effect and the vicious circle?

Science has the answer to how to eat to lose fat forever and live a healthy and balanced life.

If you’re watching this video, chances are, you’re wondering how to diet to lose fat for good. Most people have been taught to use approaches that set themselves up for failure in the long run, by physiologically messing up their bodies with diets that leave them in a position where it’s now very hard to strip off that excess fat.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

10-min Easy exercises for sexy back, arms, and chest

Pamela Reif is here for you again, this time with a new video showing light upper body exercises.

You can do the exercises at home, and it is enough to take only 10 minutes a day to notice the desired results.

it's time for a new (no equipment) UPPER BODY workout! I know: home workouts for arms, chest & back are always hard to find - but I think I created another killer combo for us! / Werbung Training abs at home is simple.. but the upper body without additional weights? Hard. That's also the reason I didn't upload so many upper body workouts at the beginning of my time on YouTube. We don't want (or can't lol) do 10000 push-ups in a row. So we - especially as girls - need to be a little more creative with our upper body workouts. The system of the workout is similar to my other "10min Upper Body Workout" - but we do have lots of new exercises & variations in here to make it more fun!

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

HIIT training in your home - just 15 minutes a day makes a big difference

Fitness instructor Natacha Océane will guide you through this 15-minute workout with high-intensity exercises that you can perform at home.

Each exercise is performed for 30 seconds, followed by 30 seconds of rest. There are a total of five exercises performed in 3 sets.

No equipment, no noise (apartment-friendly), no impact 15-minute fat-burning HIIT workout you can do anywhere and follow easily! My new HOME. program with 50 unique workouts + nutrition approved by a world-leading expert behind British Olympic athletes.

Monday, July 20, 2020

5 Steps to Safe Return to the Gym During a Corona Pandemic

Are you one of those people who went back to the workout routine at your favorite gym or gym? For all those who find exercise a part of their daily routine, quarantine is hard to come by.

But the good news is that the gyms have opened, and the bad - there is always the fear that they may be risky for you.

In addition to government protocols and gym regulations, be sure to stick to the following things to protect yourself while exercising in gyms:

Wash your hands
This rule never ceases to apply, especially during this period. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly when entering and leaving the gym.

Limit contact with other practitioners
Of course, each exercise individually, not in pairs, and at an appropriate distance. Gyms have probably already made sure to put marks on the proper positioning of the exercisers, but forget about greeting or entering someone else's, personal space. Of course, limit your speech and pay attention to your breathing.

Wash clothes thoroughly before and after exercise
Do you accidentally forget your exercise equipment after you have already exercised and do not put it in for washing immediately? Maybe you are one of those people who use the same socks or tights for exercise several times in different hours?

Do not make this mistake. Wash clothes thoroughly before and after exercise. Bacteria find a way to attach to fabrics. Of course, hygiene is also important in addition to the health aspect.

Bring the necessary products
Antibacterial gel or wet wipes, mask and even gloves are desirable. Anything that you (un) accidentally touch, and it seems suspicious to you, immediately disinfect your hands.

Of course, it is not advisable to exercise with a face mask because it shortens the flow of fresh air and oxygen to the blood, but make all other contacts outside the exercise routine with a face mask.

Wipe the equipment
Weights, tackles, and even your exercise mat are a great place for bacteria and viruses to multiply. Be sure to disinfect them well before using them. There is nothing shameful about wiping your handles from the treadmill or the treadmill screen before you start exercising.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

7 Ways Summer Beats Winter For Nailing Your Weight-Loss Resolutions

Unlike winter months, which often have added pressure from New Year’s resolutions and limited daylight hours, summer lends itself well to weight loss. It presents plenty of fun opportunities to burn calories when it’s nice out, eat seasonal whole foods, and more.
“Summer is the perfect time for weight loss, and it doesn’t have anything to do with fitting into a swimsuit — it’s about getting healthy,” says Sarah Pflugradt, RD, author of “You Get One Body.”
Here, seven reasons why the warm-weather months can help fuel your weight-loss success, according to fitness and nutrition experts.

“Outdoor activities are way more accessible during the summer [than winter], and they’re fun,” says Ben Tzeel, certified strength, and conditioning specialist and registered dietitian. “While people tend to think of exercise in traditional forms like going to the gym or lacing up for a run, outdoors allowing for a wider variety of activities like hiking, swimming, kayaking, canoeing, and more.” This season, get moving with calorie-torching summer activities, including bucket list-worthy wildflower hikes, vacay-friendly workouts, and watersports.

In the summertime, not only are the days longer, but there are also numerous opportunities to be active, even if you aren’t working out. Exercise pros refer to this day-to-day activity as NEAT (aka non-exercise activity thermogenesis), and boosting yours by moving more can help you burn more calories and tip the scale in your favor.
Activities like tending your garden, cleaning your yard, playing with your kids, taking trips to the beach, and even doing chores can all add up, says Wyosnick.

“As the temperatures increase in the summer, your thirst instinct is also likely to increase,” says Wyosnick. This is helpful for weight loss because drinking water fills you up and curbs hunger (which is easy to confuse with thirst).
Instead of reaching for high-calorie, high-sugar beverages such as juice, get creative and quench your thirst with summer sippers like slightly-sweet “spa water” infused with fresh fruit and herbs. Wyosnick’s current favorite: Water with chunks of watermelon and a few sprigs of mint.

“The abundance of fresh produce in the summer from backyard gardens and farmers markets makes it the perfect time to increase the amount of healthy, whole foods in your diet,” says Pflugradt. Summer fruits like berries have a high water and fiber content, both of which make you feel full with fewer calories.
Head for your local pick-your-own farm to stock up on fresh strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, and more. You’ll boost your step count and eat healthier. For example, try making your jam with the fruit you pick, suggests Pflugradt. “That way, you can control the amount of sugar.” Knowing highly processed foods are linked to weight gain, the more you can stick to whole foods and homemade versions of your favorite jellies and spreads, the better.

In the summertime, it’s easy to embrace the Mediterranean diet, which calls for fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins (like fish, chicken, and lamb) and healthy fats like olive oil, says Pflugradt. If you’re overweight or obese, the Mediterranean diet can help you lose weight and improve your blood pressure, among numerous health benefits, per a review in the American Journal of Medicine.
For your next cookout, try Mediterranean chicken meatballs, a salad with crispy chickpeas, or sauteed kale with white beans and hard-boiled eggs.

One of the greatest perks of slimming down during the summer is many of your favorite pastimes — like grilling — can easily support a healthy lifestyle. “While veggies may not be your go-to, grilling vegetables gives them a whole different taste profile and can make them extra appealing,” says Tzeel. The fiber in veggies helps fill you up and keeps you satisfied with smaller portions, while lean grilled proteins like chicken, turkey, and salmon can support improved body composition and reduce muscle loss, he explains. So, go ahead — load up the kebabs.

Poor sleep is a weight-loss nightmare: “It not only halts weight loss but also induces weight gain,” says Tzeel. “Sleep deprivation alters hunger and satiety hormones ghrelin and leptin, which makes you feel hungrier and may explain why you tend to overeat on days you’ve slept less,” he explains.
If you’re low on zzz’s, a summer camping trip could help by resetting your body’s biological clock to be more in tune with the natural light-dark cycle. As one (albeit, small) study in Current Biology shows, one week of camping with exposure only to natural light (yep, that means no glowing cell phones) can help reboot your circadian rhythms, potentially giving you a leg-up on your weight-loss efforts.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Right signs that you are consuming too much sugar in the body

These are eight scientifically proven indicators that you are consuming too much sugar with your diet and it negatively affects your metabolism and brain function.

"Simple" sugars, or monosaccharides (like glucose), contain energy that biological cells use and consume. For ease of identification, every word ending in "oasis" is probably a type of sugar.

Be careful, sugar is not only in cakes, pastries, ice cream, and sweetened drinks.

Find out how much sugar you need to eat daily to break the addiction to mild.

Eating too much sugar can cause several health problems, such as fatty liver, heart disease, and diabetes.

Therefore, do not ignore the signs that your body gives you.

Maybe you want to read about Start the day with morning cardio at home.

Start the day with morning cardio at home

Gloomy weather is not a reason to find an excuse to avoid exercise. Roll up your sleeves and do cardio at home.

There are two different types of cardio that you want to be doing. The first is called LISS (Low-Intensity Steady State cardio) and the second is HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training). Both of these types are great cardio workouts, and you can do either one at home. Try one of each type of workout to see which one you prefer. This video will teach you ways that you can do either of these cardio workouts at home.

It is important to just do SOMETHING for 30-60 minutes every day. You can do low-intensity cardio for fat loss at home. Even just getting outside for a walk is enough.

Maybe you want to read about One meal a day to melt belly fat.

Friday, July 17, 2020

One meal a day to melt belly fat

The body first begins to store fat reserves in the abdomen and it is from those reserves that it finally "gives up".

Poor diet and irregular physical activity are the two main causes of obesity.

The same goes for the accumulation of fat deposits on the abdomen and waist, although the factors listed here are sedentary work and high levels of stress and anxiety.

Accumulation of subcutaneous fat in the abdomen, in addition to being aesthetically disturbing, is also harmful to health and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

Why does stress make you fat?

What can you do to reduce your stress levels? The first step is to avoid unnecessarily stressful situations and learn how to relax. The stress hormone, cortisol, contributes to the accumulation of fat deposits around the abdomen, so a good choice for relaxation is to meditate or do breathing exercises.

It has been scientifically proven that to get rid of those "stubborn" belly fat deposits, you must pay attention to your diet.

OMAD (one meal a day dieting) - is controversial, but only because of various misinformation about this diet and incorrect diet monitoring.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Why is it so hard to motivate ourselves to exercise?

We are all aware of the benefits to our body that come from exercising, but when it comes time to train - we have no motivation. Why is that?

A research team from Columbia University conducted a study of 29 people who participated in the experiment. The researchers aimed to analyze the psychological state of those who are preparing to start exercising.

The volunteers were given a few photos, some of them showing people getting fit and training, and other photos showing people resting and watching their favorite series.

Research has shown that the human brain focuses on photographs where there is no physical activity. They concluded that it is difficult for our body to persuade the mind to start some action and change.

Scientists say that even when you are struggling to find the motivation to exercise, you need to find free time to go to the gym. When making changes to your routine, a determination is key.

You need to be patient when it comes to exercise. Prefer to avoid diets. Let patience and perseverance be your most effective allies. The process of losing weight is sometimes time-consuming, but one thing is for sure - it is always worth it.

Maybe you want to read about Egg diet Can you lose 4.5 pounds in 7 days?

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Egg diet Can you lose 4.5 pounds in 7 days?

Can you use the Egg Diet to lose 10 lbs in 7 Days? Multiple versions of this diet including the boiled egg diet, the ketogenic egg fast diet, and the grapefruit egg diet seem to produce quick results for weight loss. 

Can you achieve nice before and after results with an egg diet meal plan? Also, can you lose belly fat with the easy egg diet in just 1 - 2 weeks? Find out today!

There are various versions of the egg diet and they all promise significant weight loss.

Can you achieve results with an egg-based diet?

Gravity Transformation - Fat Loss Experts have a scientific explanation for this.

Monday, July 13, 2020

A few reasons why you should eat figs every day

You either love figs or you do not like them at all. Read all the benefits of this summer fruit for your health.

Figs protect the health of the whole organism, and scientists say that they can help you deal with many health problems.

Dried figs are available all year round, and fresh figs can be enjoyed during the summer.

  • 100 g of fresh figs contain:
  • 80 calories
  • 1.3 g of protein
  • 0.3 g of fat
  • 20.3 g of carbohydrates
  • 2.2 g of fiber
  • 100 g of dried figs contain:
  • 249 calories
  • 3.3 g of protein
  • 0.9 g of fat
  • 69 g of carbohydrates
  • 5.6 g of fiber


Figs contain a large number of vitamins and minerals, most notably: vitamins A, C, K, B, potassium, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese.

They regulate the pH in our bodies. Figs are rich in flavonoids and polyphenols.

Figs help with weight loss, respiratory problems, cancer. It is recommended to eat figs if you have problems with erectile dysfunction, diabetes, and high cholesterol.

Maybe you want to read about 10-minute light exercises for a tight butt.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

10-minute light exercises for a tight butt

In the new video, Pamela Reif will show you easy exercises for a tight and sexy ass.

It is enough to set aside only 10 minutes a day to achieve the desired result. You do not need any additional equipment for these exercises except motivation to exercise.

Maybe you want to read about 5 Tips For Easing Back Into Gym Workouts.

Friday, July 10, 2020

5 Tips For Easing Back Into Gym Workouts

Gyms are slowly and carefully reopening across the country. If you were an avid gym-goer prior to the COVID-19 shutdown, you’re probably chomping at the bit to get back into your workout routine. The thought of one more at-home bodyweight workout makes going back to the gym seem like a dream come true.
But before you pick up where you left off, remember: It’s been 3–4 months since most of us stepped foot in a gym. Chances are your strength levels aren’t quite what they used to be, even if you’ve been consistently working out at home.
Diving in headfirst with the same pre-quarantine routine might be too much, too soon. Rather than risk an injury, here are five tips to ease back into your gym workouts for sustained success.

First and foremost, be safe and be smart. COVID-19 still exists and the possibility of becoming infected or spreading the virus is real. Gyms are doing everything they can to keep members safe, so help them by following all safety protocols.
Beyond the well-known CDC guidelines (wash your hands frequently, practice social distancing, wear a mask, etc.), you can take extra steps to keep yourself and others safe. For example:
Go to the gym at low-traffic hours.
Limit using high-touch objects like foam rollers and mats by warming up at home.
Limit your need for a spotter by choosing exercises that don’t require spotting (or use light enough weights that a spotter isn’t necessary).

It may be tempting to look at a barbell or machine and load it up with the same weight you used before the quarantine. Going too heavy too soon leaves you frustrated at best and leads to injury at worst. Now’s the time to embrace a beginner’s mindset and go back to basics. Remember the first time you ever stepped foot in the gym? Did you lift as heavy as possible, or did you start light?
The good news: Strength is largely a product of our nervous system. In other words, strength is a skill, and with a little practice, you’ll be back to your strongest self. The cliché, “It’s like riding a bike” applies here. You may feel a little rusty the first time you pick up a barbell or kettlebell again, but if you start light and focus on perfect technique, your strength returns quickly.

Many gyms are reopening with finite timeslots for workouts to control foot traffic. This allows for stricter safety protocols and thorough cleaning. So, if you were used to working out for 2–3 hours at a clip, it’s time to condense your efforts into shorter workouts.
Luckily, you don’t need to train for hours at a time to get results. Yes, rest periods are important, especially if you’re lifting heavyweights. And long, steady workouts are great for improving cardiovascular health. However, with some careful planning, you can get the results you want in less time. For example:
Use compound exercises instead of single-joint movements to work for multiple muscle groups at once (i.e., bench press instead of chest flyes and triceps extensions).
Superset opposing muscle groups to save time (i.e., squats for lower body and lat pulldowns for upper body).
Use a stopwatch or timer on your phone to track your rest periods (2–3 minutes for heavy strength training and 30–60 seconds for lighter strength training should suffice).
Do your cardio and mobility workouts at home (more on this in the next point).

Remember what it felt like walking into a toy store as a kid, marveling at the tall shelves of colorful games and stuffed animals? That’s what it’s going to feel like seeing the strength and cardio equipment again.
Reacquainting yourself with squat racks and ellipticals may bring tears of joy to your eyes, and rightfully so. After months of training with no equipment, these luxury items could be just the boost your workouts need. To jumpstart your gains, focus your workouts around exercises you couldn’t do at home.
If you did enough walking lunges to circle the planet, park yourself in the squat rack or on the leg press. If pushups were your go-to upper-body movement, opt for the bench press or the chest press machine.

Just because gyms are reopening doesn’t mean you have to give up your at-home workouts. Whether you enjoy the convenience of staying home or you’re a little nervous about returning to a crowded gym, you can certainly combine gym workouts with your at-home routine.

As mentioned, strength and cardio equipment are likely the main things you’ve been missing. Consider going back to the gym for two workouts a week while continuing to train a few days at home. For example:
Monday: Strength workout at the gym (free weights and machines)
Tuesday: Cardio (run or bike outside)
Wednesday: Yoga or stretching at home
Thursday: Strength workout at home (body weight and core)
Friday: Cardio at the gym (rowing machine, treadmill or elliptical)
Saturday: Yoga or stretching at home
Sunday: Day off

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Fitness tips for beginners: How to prepare for the first workout?

If you have decided to get active in physical activity, you should know that it usually means a fundamental change in lifestyle and giving up bad habits.

Here are some helpful tips to help you get started in the gym.

Take the first step

Maybe you haven't played sports before, so you need fitness tips for beginners, but also motivation. In that case, it is very important to set a goal. It is best to train in a group or with a fitness trainer who will make you a detailed exercise and diet plan.

Don't push yourself at the beginning

Start with lighter exercises to avoid muscle soreness. The results are noticeable only after a few weeks, but persistence pays off.

Combine the exercises

Don't skip warm-up before you start training. You can also insert light cardio exercises before training your arms and back.

Talk to your doctor

If you have been passive for a long time due to a health problem, talk to your doctor about what kind of training is good for you. At the beginning, practice for 10 to 15 minutes a day, follow the advice of your doctor and fitness trainer.

Watch your diet and drink water

Diet is key if you want to achieve results. It is recommended that your fitness trainer make a detailed diet plan so that you know what to eat and what foods to avoid. Also, drink 2-3 glasses of water two hours before training, and drink water for 10-20 minutes after training.

You can also watch the video of Dr. Anthony Balduzziwith 5 useful tips for beginners.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Three exercises that will help you reduce back pain

Each of us feels back pain at some point in our lives because we spend most of our time in a sitting position. By strengthening your back muscles, you will reduce the pain.

In this video, you will see 3 easy and simple exercises that will help you reduce back pain. They won't take much of your time, and you can do them at home.

Maybe you want to read about Why should you eat peaches every day?

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Why should you eat peaches every day?

In addition to refreshing us in the summer months, peaches have a positive effect on our health and improve the body's immunity.

Here are some interesting facts and reasons why you should eat peaches every day.

An average peach contains 58 calories, is full of protein, vitamins C, A, E and K, manganese, fiber, iron, and potassium. It is rich in antioxidants and has a beneficial effect on the skin.

1. Reduces allergies

Peach ingredients have a beneficial effect on those who struggle with summer allergies, especially with the grass pollen present in the air. When the body is exposed to allergens it releases histamine, a chemical that seeks to help the body defend itself against allergens. But at the same time, histamine causes unpleasant allergy symptoms such as itching, sneezing, and coughing.

2. It lowers blood sugar levels

Peaches are often recommended as part of the diet of diabetics due to their ability to lower blood sugar.

3. Improve immunity

Regular eating of peaches can affect the body's immune system, as it contains antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Stronger immunity helps to cope more easily with seasonal colds and other illnesses.

4. Improves skin

In face and body creams, there is a good reason why there are peach extracts. Certain peach ingredients improve the skin's ability to retain moisture, which in turn tightens the skin. In alternative Asian medicine, peach blossoms are used to relieve sunburn.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Eight mistakes that don't increase your muscle mass

Science has the answer to everything, at least when it comes to building muscle.

If you exercise regularly and pay attention to your diet and do not notice any results, there is a reason for that. More precisely, seven main reasons, ie mistakes that are most often made by men who exercise.

Watch the video carefully and see which of these seven mistakes you make and how to keep practicing and seeing results in no time.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Here are some reasons why you should eat watermelon every day

In the summer heat, no food extinguishes thirst better than watermelon. Although we often say that it is a fruit, it is actually a vegetable and belongs to the pumpkin family.

In some countries, it is available at any time of the year, but it is still best to eat it during the summer because then it has the most nutrients. One hundred grams of watermelon has 30 calories, it contains a lot of water which is especially important for hydration in the summer days.

At the same time, watermelon is rich in vitamins A and C, potassium, and magnesium. If you store it in the refrigerator, it loses some of its nutritional properties. But of course, when it is cut, it is best to store it in the refrigerator.

Watermelon is also good for relaxing and recovering from physical activity.

Read some interesting facts about her:

  • Watermelon contains 92% water, 6% sugar, and 2% fiber.
  • From 150 g of watermelon 5% contains vitamin A, important for skin health.
  • 20% of the daily requirement for vitamin C is met with 180 g of watermelon.
  • Watermelon contains most of the amino acid citrulline, which relaxes and protects blood vessels, so it is important for erectile function - 210 mg per 100 watermelons.
  • Watermelon seeds can be eaten, fried in China, and eaten as snacks. They are a healthy ingredient that can be used to treat kidney problems.
  • The heaviest watermelon is measured in Tennessee, weighing 159 kg
  • Although it originates from Africa, the first record for watermelon is 5,000 years old and is from Egypt where the watermelon was valued so much that it was placed in the tombs of kings.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

What should you eat before and after exercise?

For ideal results from your exercise and diet, you need to know what and when to eat about exercise.

One food is good for "fuel" and the other for recovery.

Maybe you want to read about Easy warm-up exercises for the whole body.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Easy warm-up exercises for the whole body

In her latest video, Pamela Reif demonstrates easy exercises that serve to warm up before the actual workout and cover the whole body.

The famous German fitness instructor today released a new video in which there is a guest with whom they will introduce you to the secrets of a proper warm-up.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Two Free-Weight Routines for you and your body

You’re stuck at home without the ability to go to the gym, and all you have for equipment are a set of dumbbells. Plus, you only have 30 minutes or less to get in a workout (including a warm-up), so what can you do?

Short answer—more than you might think. In fact, the variations are endless.

The two total-body workouts below make it possible for you to target the main muscles of your body while using minimal equipment. These workouts can be done for a total of two to four times a week (two times each), but be sure to take at least one day off between workouts.

These workouts follow the Reps in Reserve (RIR) concept. With RIR, you perform a specific number of repetitions (reps) while leaving some in reserve—or “left in the tank”—before ending the set. This format helps you determine the effort you put into each exercise, which is helpful if you have just one set of fixed-weight dumbbells.

Aim for an RIR of 4 the first week you perform these workouts. This means you should use an amount of weight that allows you to finish the set feeling like you could have done 4 more repetitions. On week 2, aim for an RIR of 3; on week 3, aim for an RIR of 2; and on week 4, aim for an RIR of 1. This sequence will help you progress each week and increase the intensity of your effort.

The recommended number of repetitions is given in parentheses after each exercise. This range is the ideal number of repetitions you should aim to work within for each exercise when considering your RIR, but this is completely up to you and your ability. Be aware that the upper limit of each listed rep range (20-30 reps) is included to reduce your chances of exhaustion and overtraining.

Before you get started with either of these workouts, warm-up for at least 3-5 minutes on your favorite cardio machine (if available) or with a walk or jog outside, if possible. If you don’t have access to any cardio equipment, perform one minute of jogging in place or two to three sets of the following: five inchworms, five body-weight squats (to a depth that is comfortable to you) and five body-weight deadlifts.

“The Dirty Seven” Full-body Workout (Days 1 and 5)

In 20 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of the following movements:

  • Dumbbell front squats (rep range of 10-20)
  • Diagonal raise (5-20 reps per arm)
  • Dumbbell swing (10-20 reps; while this exercise is traditionally done with kettlebells, it can be done with a dumbbell instead)
  • Lateral lunges with dumbbells (5-20 reps per side)
  • Dumbbell squat to overhead press (5-20 reps)
  • Reverse crunch (10-20 reps)
  • Elevated glute bridge with dumbbells (10-20 reps)
  • Rest for 30-60 seconds before repeating the round.
  • Full-body Workout (Days 3 and 7)
  • In eight minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of the following:
  • Dumbbell single-leg single-arm Romanian deadlifts (8-20 reps per leg)
  • Dumbbell front raises, alternating (8-20 reps per arm)
  • Dumbbell chest presses, alternating (8-20 reps per side)
  • Rest for 30-60 seconds before repeating the round.

At the end of the eight minutes, rest two minutes and then complete as many rounds as possible in eight minutes of the following:

  • Renegade rows (5-20 reps per arm)
  • Dumbbell lateral raises (8-20 reps)
  • Seated shoulder presses, alternating (8-20 reps per arm)
  • Rest for 30-60 seconds before repeating the round.

When you have limited time or equipment, it’s helpful to remember that you don’t need to spend hours per week training to maintain your overall strength and fitness—all you need is some sort of tension on your muscles. Your body cannot tell the difference between the muscle tension it experiences from bands, barbells or dumbbells. The point is to keep moving and to maintain a fitness regimen, even if you only have a set of dumbbells.

Give these workouts a try this week and stay consistent with them for two to four weeks to see how your body responds. As you progress, aim for the lower RIR to really push yourself. After four weeks of following these workouts, go back to a RIR of 4 and increase the reps to help you progress further.

Maybe you want to read about 25 Reasons to Love Walking For Exercise.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

25 Reasons to Love Walking For Exercise

Walking is one of the easiest exercises you can do to lose (or maintain) weight and improve your overall health. It poses a minimal risk of injury, you can do it anywhere, and you just need a pair of good walking shoes to get started. Here are 25 reasons why a daily walking program might be the perfect exercise routine.

1. It gets you moving. Sitting for long periods increases your likelihood of illness and even early death. Luckily, walking can counteract the negative effects of sitting, and even just 10 minutes a day can get your blood flowing for positive health benefits.

2. It’s a great way to lose weight. Walking for around 30 minutes a day can burn up to 200 calories and help you lose weight. If you up the pace and include hills and varied terrain, the calorie burn is even greater.

3. It’s easy on your joints. Walking is low-impact and can be done by beginners with minimal risk of injury.

4. It helps you stay healthy as you age. Dementia, heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, and breast cancer are just a few of the diseases a daily walk can help ward off.

5. It improves your mood. Walking can help decrease depression, reduce anxiety, and boost your mood.

6. It can foster creativity. Walking can help clear your mind and generate new ideas, potentially helping you perform better at work and get that sought-after promotion.

7. It’s an easy exercise to progress. Besides increasing duration, you can make walking more difficult by speeding up the pace, adding light hand weights, or trying high-intensity intervals.

8. There isn’t much of a learning curve. While other sports or activities might take some time to learn, you already know the basics of walking and have been doing it your entire life. Sure, you can always perfect your form, but there isn’t much you need to know or do to get started.

9. It’s easy to fit into your schedule. Whether it’s around your block, a local multi-use path, or a few laps inside the mall, walking is one of the most convenient forms of exercise.

10. It’s cheap. While memberships for yoga, spin classes, and the gym can be expensive, all you need for walking is a good pair of shoes.

11. You’ll get your required dose of vitamin D. Essential for gut and bone health, vitamin D also promotes a strong immune system. A daily 30-minute walk outdoors can help you soak up much-needed vitamin D.

12. It’s easy to do with kids. If you’ve got a couple of young ones in the house, then you know how difficult it can be to find the time to exercise. Walking can help you spend more time together and get outside in nature for a stress-relieving activity. A dedicated walking stroller and a few snacks will make the task much easier and more enjoyable.

13. It’s a good choice if you’re overweight or have dealt with injuries in the past. Since it’s low-impact, walking can be more accessible for those who have a history of back, hip, knee, or ankle pain or are overweight.

14. It builds self-confidence. Improving your health through walking and losing weight can help improve your self-confidence. This study shows how just 12 minutes of walking a day can yield a bigger self-confidence boost compared to spending the time sitting.

15. It improves aerobic fitness. Runners can attest to how hard it is to keep your heart rate in the correct training zone. Walking, on the other hand, makes keeping your heart rate in a low-to-moderate intensity zone (70–80% of your max heart rate) pretty easy — which is perfect for improving your aerobic fitness.

16. It’s easy to increase your step count. If you are short on time, consider including more walking in your daily routine. For example, take the stairs instead of the elevator, park in the back of the parking lot, or walk part of the way to work if you take public transportation. All of these steps add up.

17. It’s a good way to socialize. Rather than sitting for a glass of wine, consider catching up with a friend or family member on a walk. You’ll get feel-good endorphins from the walk and health benefits from the social connection.

18. You can connect with nature. Walking can be a great way to get in touch with nature and enjoy the outdoors. More greenery has even been linked to lower anxiety levels and a reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes. Try to head to a trail or walking path away from motor vehicle traffic at least once per week. You’ll be surprised by the meditative effects it can have.

19. It’s accessible for those with asthma. Some activities aren’t good if you have exercise-induced asthma. Fortunately, walking isn’t one of them. The American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology says walking won’t irritate your airways like some other activities might.

20. It can be a sleep aid. If you’re having trouble falling and staying asleep at night, going for a daily walk in the morning could help reset your circadian rhythm.

21. It supports brain health. Walking increases blood flow to the brain, which lessens your risk of cognitive illnesses like Alzheimer’s and supports overall brain health.

22. It aids the immune system. Some research shows brisk walking can increase white blood cell count, which is important in fighting off infections.

23. It improves balance. As you age, injuries due to falling become more dangerous and harder to recover from. A daily walk can help to keep your glutes, hips, quadriceps, and hamstrings strong and improve balance, making a fall less likely.

24. It can help you eat fewer sweets. Craving sweets during the day or at night before bed can easily hamper weight loss. The good news is, walking can help to curb those cravings so you stay on track with your diet and reach your goals.

25. It’s a great way to explore. In today’s fast-paced world, walking is a wonderful way to take time for yourself and appreciate your surroundings. Explore a new park, try urban hiking, or map out a different route in your neighborhood to change things up and keep walking exciting.

Kale Egg-White Quiche With Sweet Potato Crust

Active time: 25 minutes Total time: 1 hour

Quiche is divine, but the crust adds loads of carbs, fat, and prep time. Skip the flour and use sliced sweet potatoes to line the pie pan for a slightly sweet, tender vessel for the savory egg and kale filling.

RD tip: The sweet potato crust adds some fiber and vitamin A, plus it makes you feel fuller than regular pie crust.

Kale Egg-White Quiche With Sweet Potato Crust


  • 1 5-inch (13cm) sweet potato, thinly sliced in rounds
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 1 cup (160g) onion, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon fresh thyme
  • 4 cups (268g) packed kale, chopped
  • 8 large egg whites
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/4 cup (25g) shredded Parmesan cheese
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper


Preheat the oven to 375ºF (190ºC). Spritz a 9-inch, deep-dish pie pan with oil, then place a single layer of sliced sweet potatoes in the pan, lining it as well as you can. There will be overlaps and gaps. Place a square of foil on top of the sweet potato and press it on the surface of the slices, wrapping the foil around the rim of the pan. Bake for 20 minutes, until the slices are tender when pierced with a paring knife. Gently press down any slices that are not lying flat, then remove the foil. Let cool on a rack.

In a large saute pan, drizzle the olive oil and place over medium-high heat. Add the onion and thyme and stir, and reduce the heat when it starts to sizzle. Cook for about 5 minutes, until the onion is softened. Add the kale and stir for 4–5 minutes, until the kale is softened and shrunken. Let cool.

In a medium bowl, whisk the egg whites and eggs, and when well-mixed, whisk in the Parmesan and pepper. Add the cooled kale, folding the mixture together with a spatula. Scrape into the sweet potato crust and smooth the top.

Bake for about 35 minutes, until a paring knife inserted in the center of the quiche comes out dry. Let cool on a rack for 5 minutes before cutting into six wedges.

Serves: 6 | Serving Size: 1/6 quiche

Nutrition (per serving): Calories: 152; Total Fat: 6g; Saturated Fat: 2g; Monounsaturated Fat: 2g; Cholesterol: 126mg; Sodium: 207mg; Carbohydrate: 12g; Dietary Fiber: 3g; Sugar: 3g; Protein: 13g

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