Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Do you know how important stretching is if you have a sedentary job?


According to the latest research, each of us spends an average of about 7.7 hours a day in a sitting position. Daily sitting has many consequences for the body, and inactivity is the fourth most common cause of premature death in the world.

As the number of sedentary professions increases, experts warn that action must be taken before the first symptoms of prolonged sitting are noticed.

Sitting hunched over at a desk may initially cause minor back pain that gradually starts to get worse. Poor posture can cause the spinal discs to constrict, which can cause permanent problems.

Sitting in front of a computer is hard on the spine because you keep your head tilted 30 degrees, which causes the muscles to tighten three to four times more than when you hold it upright.

Do these stretching exercises every day and you will see results in a short time.

Maybe you want to read about What happens to the body if you eat figs every day?

Friday, August 21, 2020

What happens to the body if you eat figs every day?


Figs contain up to 80 per cent water, as in nutritional terms figs stimulate energy, so it is best to eat it in the morning.

Its healing parts are the fruit, the milk juice, the leaf and the bark of the tree. The dried version of the fig is considered a superfood that is available to us all year round.

Why is it healthy to eat figs, especially in the morning and on an empty stomach?

1. They lower blood pressure

Figs are an excellent source of potassium which helps regulate and lower blood pressure.

2. Help with weight loss

Figs are a good source of fiber that improves digestion and gives a feeling of satiety, thus helping to lose weight. The fiber in figs also helps lower blood cholesterol. There are only 74 calories in 100 grams of figs.

3. They lower blood sugar

Figleaves lower blood sugar. The leaves can be used in the preparation of various dishes and teas.

4. Help for a better mood

Figs contain a large number of B vitamins that give our body energy, skin elasticity and strong muscles. These vitamins improve the work of the brain and thus concentration and memory, and even our overall mood. Figs contain magnesium, so they are especially good for people suffering from insomnia and PMS.

5. They contain many vitamins and minerals

High concentrations of glucose and fructose are a healthier substitute for white sugar. Figs are rich in iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin B6, E, C and A. They are rich in beta-carotene and it is recommended to eat figs a few days before sunbathing.

They contain a large percentage of water and natural sugars, so they are useful for recovery from exhaustion and detoxification.

Maybe you want to read about Recipe for the longevity of 2 ingredients - Salvation for people over 50 years.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Recipe for the longevity of 2 ingredients - Salvation for people over 50 years


Many who have tried it claim that it improves the health of blood vessels, increases elasticity and tone, but also lowers blood pressure and improves the regeneration of brain cells.

Ripe pine cones are rich in lipids, vitamins, bioflavonoids and acids that the body needs to maintain vitality.

At the end of the summer, collect a full jar of pine cones and fill the rest of the jar with brandy.

Let stand for a few days in a dark and dry place, after which you will get a liquid that you need to strain. Finally, add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.

Use this medicine in a hot cup of tea, add 1 tablespoon of it, along with a little honey. Tea enriched with this natural remedy is drunk at bedtime.

Maybe you want to read about Mint for headaches, parsley for high blood pressure - herbs and spices great for your health.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Mint for headaches, parsley for high blood pressure - herbs and spices great for your health

The use of spices and herbs to treat certain diseases is becoming more common.

Normally, these folk remedies can not replace the therapy prescribed by a doctor, especially if it is something more serious, but they can help strengthen your immunity or deal with mild symptoms, such as those of the common cold.


Garlic is great for fighting flu and colds. It can lower blood pressure, but also the risk of heart disease. Garlic also contains antioxidants, which are believed to be able to prevent Alzheimer's and dementia.


The scent of rosemary can improve concentration, performance and mood. Some research has shown that it can also slow down the ageing of the brain.

Chilli peppers

The angry ingredient in these peppers can slow down the ageing process.

These peppers can reduce pain, but also help you if you are trying to lose weight.


Ginger improves digestion and reduces flatulence. At the same time, it can relieve colds and reduce pain and inflammation.

Ginger is also great for pregnant women who have morning sickness, but also for most stomach problems.


Parsley can help you deal with high blood pressure. It also contains vitamin K, which strengthens bones.


Mint will help you get rid of headaches. If you have a stuffy nose, mint tea money can help.


Cinnamon helps fight infections and promotes skin regeneration. Its anti-inflammatory properties can also reduce the risk of heart disease.

Cinnamon is also believed to reduce the risk of some cancers.


Chamomile tea can reduce menstrual cramps, but also help with the mood swings that period of the month.

This tea also lowers blood sugar levels and is great for diabetics.

Maybe you want to read about Does apple cider vinegar help you lose weight?

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Does apple cider vinegar help you lose weight?

You have probably heard someone positive experience that drinking apple cider vinegar helps in weight loss efforts.

Drinking apple cider vinegar has many health benefits, but you need to be careful how and when you drink it.

Nutritionists recommend using homemade apple cider vinegar, not industrial, as it may contain preservatives and other additives. It should also be drunk diluted with water.

You should keep in mind that apple cider vinegar is not a magic elixir that can solve health problems. This drink will not have the same effect on everyone, so you should know the negative effects.

Gravity Transformation - Fat Loss Experts have answers to all the questions you have ever asked about apple cider vinegar, including the "main" one: Does it help you lose weight?

Maybe you want to read about Suggestion for a 10-minute morning workout.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Suggestion for a 10-minute morning workout

Rowan Row has a suggestion for a morning workout routine without going to the gym.

His program provides only 10 minutes of exercise a day, every morning. He mentions that you need to do the exercises correctly, according to what he shows in the video, to have a full effect on your body.

Get shredded without a gym by doing this routine every morning. It only takes 10 mins of your time. Make sure you execute the movement correctly and stick to the whole circuit for the best results. Please comment below if you have any questions at all. 

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